Saturday, 25 August 2012

Syllogism - Previous Questions

SBI Associate Banks Clerks Exam (2010)

All medicines are tablets
Some tablets are tonics
Some tonics are bitter

Some tablets are bitter
No medicine is a tonic

Answer: Either I or II follow

All incomes are salaries
Some salaries are perks
Some perks are tangible

Some incomes are tangible
At least some perks are salaries

Answers: Conclusion II follows

All roses are red
Some red are colour
All colour are paints
Some red are paints
All red are roses

Answers: Conclusion I follow

Some casual are formal
All formal are expensive
All expensive are elegant

All formal are elegant
Some causal are expensive

Answer: Conclusions I and II follow

All towns are cities
All cities are urban
Some urban are rural

Some towns are rural
All rural are towns

Answer: Neither I nor II follow

SBI Associate Banks Probationary Officers Exam (2010)

Some trains are cars
All cars are branches
All branches are nets
Some nets are dresses

Some dresses are cars
Some nets are trains
Some branches are trains
Some dresses are trains

Answer: Only II and III follow

Some pencils are kites
Some kites are desks
All desks are jungles
All jungles are mountains

Some mountains are pencils
Some jungles are pencils
Some mountains are desks
Some jungles are kites

Answer: Only III and IV follow

All papers are clips
Some clips are boards
Some boards are lanes
All lanes are roads

Some roads are boards
Some lanes are clips
Some boards are papers
Some roads are clips

Answer: Only I follow

All pens are clocks
Some clocks are tyres
Some tyres are wheels
Some wheels are buses

Some buses are tyres
Some wheels are clocks
Some wheels are pens
Some buses are clocks

Answer: None follows

All stones are hammers
No hammer is ring
Some rings are doors
All doors are windows

Some windows are stones
Some windows are rings
No window is stone
Some rings are stones

Answer: II and either I or III follow

SBI Clerks Exam (08-Sep-2009 First Shift)

Some desks are chairs
All chairs are tables
Some tables are mats

Some mats are desks
Some tables are desks
Some mats are chairs

Answer: Only II follow

All sweets are fruits
No fruit is pencil
Some pencils are glasses

Some glasses are sweets
Some pencils are sweets
No glass is sweet

Answer: Either I or III follow

Some books are flowers
Some flowers are chains
Some chains are hammers

Some hammers are flowers
Some chains are books
Some hammers are books

Answer: None follows

All roofs are cameras
Some cameras are photographs
Some photographs are stores

Some stores are cameras
Some stores are roofs
Some cameras are roofs

Answer: Only III follows

Some nails are horses
All horses are tablets
All tablets are crows

Some crows are nails
Some tablets are nails
Some crows are horses

Answer: All I, II and III follow

All buildings are towers
All towers are roads
All roads are huts

Some roads are buildings
All towers are huts
All huts are roads

Answer: Only I and II follow

SBI Clerks Exam (08-Sep-2009 Second Shift)

All cups are benches
Some benches are drums
All drums are kites

Some kites are cups
Some kites are benches
Some drums are cups

Answer: II and III follow

Some bikes are cars
Some cars are trains
Some trains are buses

Some buses are cars
Some trains are bikes
Some buses are bikes

Answer: None follows

All dogs are cats
Some cats are rats
All rats are mats

Some mats are cats
Some mats are dogs
Some rats are cats

Answer: I and III follow

All pens are sticks
All sticks are rings
All rings are rods
Some rings are pens
Some rods are sticks
Some rods are pens

Answer: All I, II and III follow

Some tables are chairs
All chairs are houses
All houses are tents

All houses are chairs
Some tents are chairs
Some houses are tables

Answer: II and III follow

Some boxes are walls
No wall is roads
All roads are rivers

Some rivers are walls
Some roads are boxes
No wall is river

Answer: Only either I or III follows

SBI & SBI Rural Business PO Exam (18-04-2012)

All cups are bottles
Some bottles are jugs
No jug is plate
Some plates are tables

Some tables are bottles
Some plates are cups
No table is bottle
Some jugs are cups

Answer: Either I or III follows (None follows is given an option)

Some chairs are handles
All handles are pots
All pots are mats
Some mats are buses

Some buses are handles
Some mats are chairs
No bus is handle
Some mats are handles

Answer: II and IV and I or III follow

All birds are horses
All horses are tigers
Some tigers are lions
Some lions are monkeys

Some tigers are horses
Some monkeys are birds
Some tigers are birds
Some monkeys are horses

Answer: Only I and III follow

Some benches are walls
All walls are houses
Some houses are jungles
All jungles are roads

Some roads are benches
Some jungles are walls
Some houses are benches
Some roads are houses

Answer:  III and IV follow

Some sticks are lamps
Some flowers are lamps
Some lamps are dresses
All dresses are shirts

Some shirts are sticks
Some shirts are flowers
Some flowers are sticks
Some dresses are sticks

Answer: None follows

CSAT-2011 Paper-2

Consider the following argument:
“In order to be a teacher one must graduate from college. All poets are poor. Some Mathematicians are poets. No college graduate is poor”
Which one of the following is not a valid conclusion regarding the above argument?
a)      Some mathematicians are not teachers
b)      Some teachers are not mathematicians
c)       Teachers are not poor
d)      Poets are not teachers

Answer: b

Each of the following two items consists of four statements. Of these four statements, two cannot both be true, but both can be false. Study the statements carefully and identify the two that satisfy the above condition. Select the correct answer using the codes given below each set of statements:
1. Examine the following statements:
a)      All animals are carnivorous
b)      Some animals are not carnivorous
c)       Animals are not carnivorous
d)      Some animals are carnivorous
a)  1 and 3
b) 1 and 2
c) 2 and 3
d) 3 and 4

2. Examine the following statements:
a)      All trains are run by diesel engine
b)      Some trains are run by diesel engine
c)       No train is run by diesel engine
d)      Some trains are not run by diesel engine
a)1 and 2  
b) 2 and 3            
c) 1 and 3             
d) 1 and 4


Canara Bank PO Exam 

Some boxes are trees
Some trees are horses
All horses are fruits
I. Some fruits are boxes
II. Some fruits are trees
III. Some horses are boxes
IV. No Fruit box

Answer: Only either I or IV and II follow

All flowers are buses
Some buses are cats
All cats are tigers
I. Some tigers are buses
II. Some tigers are flowers
III. Some cats are flowers
IV. Some buses are tigers

Answer: Only I and IV follow
All fans are rooms
No room is green
Some windows are green

I. Some windows are fans
II. Some windows are rooms
III. Some fans are green
IV. No green is fan

Answer: Only IV follows

Some tablets are rains
All dogs are rains
All rains are chairs
I. Some chairs are tablets
II. All dogs are chairs
III. Some tablets are dogs
IV. Some tablets are chairs

Answer:  Only I, II and IV follow

No man is sky
No sky is road
Some men are roads

I. No road is man
II. No road is sky
III. Some skies are men
IV. All roads are men

Answer: Only II follows

Syndicate Bank PO Exam 

All players are spectators
Some spectators are theatres
Some theatres are dramas
I. Some dramas are spectators
II. Some players are dramas
III. Some theatres are players
IV. All spectators are players

Answer: None follows

Some buckets are waters
All waters are papers
Some papers are woods

I. Some woods are waters
II. Some buckets are woods
III. Some papers are buckets
IV. Some woods are buckets

Answer: Only III follows

Some rings are phones
Some phones are computers
Some computers are stations

I. Some stations are rings
II. Some phones are stations
III. Some computers are rings
IV. All rings are stations

Answer: None follows

All leaves are inks
No ink is brush
All cakes are brushes

I. Some cakes are leaves
II. Some inks are cakes
III. Some inks are leaves
IV. Some cakes are brushes

Answer: III and IV follow

All needles are threads
All threads are boxes
All trees are boxes

I. No needle is tree
II. Some trees are threads
III. Some boxes are needles
IV. Some trees are needles

Answer: Only either I or IV and III follow

Corporation Bank PO Exam(09.07.2006)

Some tents are buildings
Some buildings are chairs
Some chairs are windows
I. Some windows are buildings
II. Some windows are tents
III. Some chairs are tents

Answer: None follows

All tables are boards
All pens are boards
All boards are papers

I. Some pens are tables
II. Some papers are pens
III. No pen is table

Answer: Only either I or III and II follow

All chains are cycles
Some cycles are wheels
All wheels are mirrors

I. Some cycles are mirrors
II. Some wheels are chains
III. Some mirrors are cycles

Answer: Only I and III follow

Some boxes are hammers
Some hammers are beads
All beads are rings

I. Some rings are hammers
II. Some hammers are boxes
III. Some rings are boxes

Answer: Only I and II follow

All jackets are trousers
No trouser is shirt
Some shirts are caps
I. Some caps are jackets
II. Some shirts are jackets
III. Some trousers are jackets

Answer: Only III follows

Some cameras are binoculars
All binoculars are spoons
Some spoons are cups
I. Some cups are binoculars
II. Some spoons are cameras
III. Some cups are cameras

Answer: Only II follows

All hotels are airports
All airports are belts
Some belts are hooks
I. Some belts are hotels
II. Some airports are hotels
III. Some hooks are belts

Answer: All follow

Oriental Bank of Commerce PO Exam(21.12.2008)

All pins are rods
Some rods are chains
All chains are hammers

I. Some pins are hammers
II. Some hammers are rods
III. No pin is hammer

Answer: Only either I or III and II follow

Some books are papers
Some papers are desks
Some desks are chairs

I. Some books are desks
II. Some papers are chairs
III. Some books are chairs

Answer: None follows

Some pots are buckets
All buckets are tubs
All tubs are drums

I. Some drums are pots
II. All tubs are buckets
III. Some drums are buckets

Answer: Only I and III follow

All pins are bags
All chalks are bags
All needles are bags

I. Some needles are pins
II. Some chalks are needles
III. No needle is pin

Answer: Only either I or III follows

Some buses are trucks
Some trucks are boats
No boat is jeep

I. Some jeeps are buses
II. Some boats are buses
III. Some jeeps are trucks

Answer: None follows

All flowers are trees
All trees are jungles
No jungle is hill

I. No flower is hill
II. No tree is hill
III. Some jungles are flowers

Answer: All follow

All tables are sofas
All sofas are beds
All beds are mats

I. Some mats are sofas
II. Some beds are tables
III. Some mats are tables

Answer: All follow

Bank of Maharashtra PO Exam (25.05.2008)
Some plates are spoons
All spoons are forks
All forks are bowls
Some bowls are utensils
I. Some plates are bowls
II. All spoons are bowls
III. Some forks are utensils

Answer: Only I and II follow

Some books are files
All files are discs
Some discs are boards
All boards are keys
I. Some books are keys
II. No book is key
III. Some discs are keys

Answer: Either I or II and III follow

All buses are trains
Some trains are cars
No car is scooter
All scooter are jeeps
I. Some cars are buses
II. All jeeps are scooters
III. No jeep is train

Answer: None follows

All curtains are pillows
No pillow is mattress
Some mattresses are beds
All beds are sofas
I. No bed is pillow
II. Some mattresses are sofas
III. Some beds are pillows

Answer:Only II and either I or III follow

Some pulses are grains
Some grains are sprouts
All sprouts are nuts
No fruit is nut

I. Some nuts are pulses
II. Some nuts are grains
III. No fruit is sprout

Answer:Only II and III follow

Indian Overseas Bank PO Exam(15.06.2008)

Some tables are jugs
Some jugs are pots
All pots are plates
I. Some plates are jugs
II. Some pots are tablets
III. Some plates are tablets

Answer:Only I follows

All chairs are rings
Some rings are sticks
All sticks are branches

I. Some branches are chairs
II. Some branches are rings
III. Some sticks are chairs

Answer:Only II follows

All bulbs are chairs
All chairs are tablets
All tables are mirrors

I. Some mirrors are bulbs
II. Some tables are bulbs
III. All chairs are mirrors

Answer: All follow

All knives are hammers
No hammer is sword
Some swords are nails

I. Some nails are hammers
II. Some swords are knives
III. No nail is hammer

Answer: Only either I or III follows

Some fruits are trees
All trees are jungles
All jungles are roads
I. All fruits are jungles
II. Some roads are fruits
III. Some jungles are fruits

Answer: Only II and III follow

Some books are pens
Some pens are desks
Some desk are racks
I. Some racks are pens
II. Some desks are books
III. Some racks are books

Answer: None follows

No room is house
No house is building
Some buildings are huts
I. Some huts are rooms
II. Some huts are houses
III. Some huts are buildings

Answer: Only III follows

PNB Agriculture Officer Exam(04.01.2009)

All houses are window
All roads are windows
All toys are windows
I. Some toys are houses
II. Some roads are houses
III. Some roads are toys

Answer: None follows

All chairs are fruits
No fruit is nail
Some nails are hammers
I. Some hammers are fruits
II. Some nails are fruits
III. Some fruits are chairs

Answer: Only III follows

All benches are rivers
All rivers are ponds
Some ponds are hills
I. Some ponds are benches
II. Some hills are benches
III. Some rivers are benches

Answer: Only I and III follow

Some rings are bangles
Some bangles are beads
Some beads are flowers
I. Some flowers are rings
II. Some flowers are bangles
III. No ring is flower

Answer: Only Either I or III follows

Some bats are dogs
All dogs are tigers
Some tigers are rats
I. Some rats are bats
II. Some tigers are bats
III. Some rats are dogs

Answer: Only II follows

Some chairs are pens
All pens are books
Some books are walls
I. Some walls are pens
II. Some books are chairs
III. Some walls are chairs

Answer: Only II follows

Andhra Bank PO Exam(14.09.2008)

Some robots are machines
Some computers are both robots and machines
Some animals are machines
Some toys are animals
I. Some toys are robots
II. Some toys are machines
III. Some animals are computers
IV. Some robots are not toys

Answer: Only Either I or IV follows

All suns are stars
All moons are stars
Some planets are suns
Some stars are gases
I. Some stars are planets
II. Some suns are gases
III. No moon is a planet
IV. Some gases are moons

Answer: Only I follows

All books are diaries
Some diaries are pens
Some pens are drawers
All drawers are chairs
I. Some drawers are diaries
II. Some chairs are pens
III. Some pens are books
IV. Some diaries are books

Answer: Only II and IV follows

Some buildings are rivers
Some mountains are both buildings and rivers
Some roads are buildings 
All roads are trucks
I. Some mountains are roads
II. Some buildings are trucks
III. Some rivers are roads
IV. Some trucks are rivers

Answer: Only II follows

All tables are round
Some hills are round
Some rivers are hills
All rivers are conical
I. Some rivers are round
II. Some hills are conical
III. Some rivers are both hills and round
IV. Some tables are conical

Answer: Only II follows

UCO Bank PO Exam (22.03.2009)
All pens are books
All books are chairs
Some chairs are desks
Some desks are tables
I. Some tables are chairs
II. Some desks are pens
III. Some chairs are pens
IV. All pens are chairs

Answer: Only III and IV follow

Some trains are buses
Some buses are trucks
Some trucks are boats
Some boats are cars
I. Some trucks are trains
II. Some cars are trucks
III. Some boats are buses
IV. Some boats are trains

Answer: None follows

Some chains are bangles
Some bangles are rings
All rings are tyres.
All tyres are tables
I. Some tables are bangles
II. Some tyres are bangles
III. Some tables are chains
IV. Some tyres are chains

Answer: Only I and II follow

All hills are roads
All roads are stones
All stones are jungles
All jungles are rivers
I. Some rivers are stones
II. Some jungles are hills
III. Some stones are hills
IV. All rivers are jungles

Answer: Only I, II and III follow

All needles are threads
Some threads are clothes
No cloth is room
All rooms are houses
I. Some houses are needles
II. Some rooms are threads
III. No house is needle
IV. Some clothes are needles

Answer: Only either I or III follows

Some bags are toys
All toys are curtains
Some curtains are walls
All walls are roofs
I. Some roofs are curtains
II. Some walls are toys
III. Some walls are bags
IV. Some curtains are bags

Answer: Only I and IV follow

Canara Bank PO Exam(15.03.2009)

Some roses are flowers
Some flowers are buds
All buds are leaves
All leaves are plants
I. Some plants are flowers
II. Some roses are buds
III. No leaves are roses
IV. No roses are buds

Answer: Only I and either II or IV follow

Some books are journals
All journals are papers
Some papers are cards
All cards are boards
I. Some papers are books
II. Some papers are boards
III. Some boards are journals
IV. Some boards are books

Answer: Only I and II follow

Some grapes are apples
Some apples are bananas
All bananas are guavas
No guava is pomegranate
I. No grapes are pomegranates
II. Some guavas are grapes
III. Some guavas are apples
IV. No bananas are pomegranates

Answer: Only III and IV follow

Some doors are walls
All walls are floors
All floors are rooms
Some rooms are windows
I. All walls are rooms
II. Some rooms are doors
III. Some rooms are walls
IV. Some floors are doors

Answer: All follow

Some spoons are forks
Some forks are bowls
All bowls are plates
Some plates are utensils
I. Some utensils are forks
II. Some plates are forks
III. Some plates are spoons
IV. Some utensils are spoons

Answer: Only II follows

All chairs are tables 
All tables are desks
Some desks are benches
Some desks are sofas
I. Some benches are sofas
II. Some sofas are tables
III. Some benches are tables
IV. No chair is bench

Answer: None follows

Some sweets are chocolates
Some chocolates are mints
Some mints are food
Some food is diet
I. No sweets are diet
II. No food is chocolates
III. Some sweets are diet
IV. Some sweets are food

Answer: Either I or III follows

Indian Overseas Bank PO Exam (05.04.2009)

All windows  are doors
All buildings are doors
All doors are boats
I. All windows are boats
II. All buildings are boats
III. Some boats are doors

Answer: All follow

Some desks are chairs
Some chairs are pens
Some pens are drawers
I. Some drawers are desks
II. Some drawers are chairs
III. No drawer is chair

Answer: Only Either II or III follows

All flowers are trees
Some trees are houses
All houses are wheels
I. Some wheels are trees
II. Some trees are flowers
III. Some wheels are flowers

Answer: Only I and II follow

Some radios are telephones
All telephones are mirrors
All mirrors are desks
I. Some radios are desks
II. Some radios are mirrors
III. Some desks are telephones

Answer: All follow

All furniture are jungles
No jungle is road
Some roads are hills
I. Some roads are furniture
II. Some jungles are furniture
III. Some hills are jungles

Answer: Only II follows

All bricks are stones
Some stones are rocks
All rocks are mountains
I. Some mountains are stones
III. Some mountains are bricks
III. Some stones are bricks

Answer: Only I and III follow

Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Direction Sense Test-Previous Questions

1. An office bus driver starts from the office, drives 2km towards North, takes a left turn and drives for 5 km. He then takes a left turn and drives for 8 km before taking a left turn again and driving for 5 km. The driver finally takes a left turn and drives 1km before stopping. How far and towards which direction should the driver drive to reach the office again?

a) 3 km towards North
b) 7 km towards East
c) 6 km towards South
d) 6 km towards West
e) 5 km towards North

Answer: e

Canara Bank PO Exam(2003)
2. Q travels towards East. M travels towards North. S & T travel in opposite directions. T travels towards right of Q. Which of the following is definitely true?
a) M & S travel in the opposite direction
b) S travels towards West
c) T travels towards North
d) M and S travel in the same direction
e) None of these

Answer: d

Corporation Bank PO Exam(2006)
3. Prabir started walking towards South. He took a right turn after walking 10 metres. He again took a left turn after walking 20 metres. Which direction is he facing now?
a) South
b) North
c) West
d) East
e) Cannot be determined

Answer: a

Andhra Bank PO Exam(2008)
4. Kunal walked 10m. towards the East, turned right and walked another 15m. He then turns left and walks 3m. He finally takes a left turn and walks 6m. Which direction is he facing now?
a) East
b) North
c) West
d) South
e) South-West

Answer: b 

Andhra Bank PO Exam(2009)
5. Town D is to the west of town M. Town R is to the South of town D. Town K is to the East of town R. Town K is towards which direction of town D?
a) South
b) East
c) North-East
d) South-East
e) None of these

Answer: d

Corporation Bank PO Exam(2010)
6. W walked 30 metres towards South, took left turn and walked 50 metres, again he took a left turn and walked 30 metres. How far is he from the starting point?
a) 80 metres
b) 100 metres
c) 130 metres
d) 50 metres
e) None of these

Answer: d

Punjab & Sind Bank PO Exam(2010)
7. W walked 40 metres towards West, took a left turn and walked 30 metres. He then took a right turn and walked 20 metres. He again took a right turn and walked 30 metres. How far was he from the starting point?
a) 70 metres
b) 60 metres
c) 90 metres
d) Cannot be determined
e) None of these

Answer: b

Bank of Baroda PO Exam(2010)
8. Sushil walked 15 metres towards South, took a left turn and walked 20 metres again he took a left turn and walked 15 metres. How far and in which direction is he from the starting point?
a) 20 metres, West
b) 20 metres, East
c) 50 metres, West
d) 50 metres, East
e) Data inadequate

Answer: b

Syndicate Bank PO Exam(2010)
9. Town D is 13 km towards the East of town A. A bus starts from town A, travels 8 km towards West and takes a right turn. After taking the right turn, it travels 5 km and reaches town B. From town B the bus takes a right turn again, travels 21 km and stops. How far and towards which direction must the bus travel to reach town D?
a) 13km towards South
b) 5km towards West
c) 21km towards South
d) 5km towards South
e) None of these

Answer: d

Punjab National Bank Specialist Officer(2010)
10. Point P is 11km towards the East of Point Q. A man starts from point Q and travels 9km towards the West. He then takes a left turn and travels 4km. He finally takes a left turn and travels 20 km before stopping. How far and towards which direction must he travel in order to reach point P?
a) 11km towards South
b) 4km towards North
c) 24km towards South
d) 9km towards North
e) None of these

Answer: b

Bank of Maharashtra Exam(2010)
Directions(11-13) Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.

Point D is 14m towards the West of Point A. Point B is 4m towards the South of point D. Point F is 9m towards the South of point D. Point E is 7m towards the East of point B. Point C is 4m towards the North of point E. Point G is 4m towards the South of point A.
11. Which of the following points are in a straight line?
a) D-E-A
b) E-G-C

12. A is in which direction with respect to C?
a) East
b) West
c) North
d) South
e) Cannot be determined

13. If a person walks 5m towards North from point F and then takes a right turn, which of the following points would he reach first?
a) G
b) D
c) E
d) A
e) C

Answers: 11-d, 12-a,13-c

Oriental Bank of Commerce PO Exam(2010)
Directions(14-15) Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.

Point B is 12 metres south of point A. Point C is 24 metres east of point B. Point D is 8 metres south of point C. Point D is 12 metres east of point E and point F is 8 metres north of point E. 

14. If a man has to travel to point E from Point A (through these points by the shortest distance), which of the following points will he pass through first?
a) Point C
b) Point D
c) Point F
d) Point B
e) None

15. If a man is standing facing North at point C, how far and in which direction is point F?
a) 12 metres west
b) 24 metres east
c) 12 metres east
d) 24 metres west
e) None of these

Answers: 14-d, 15-a

SBI Clerk Exam(2012)
16. Veena walked 5m towards north, took a left turn and walked 7m. She took a left turn again and walked 8m before taking a left turn and walking 7m. She then took a final left turn and walked 1m before stopping. How far is Veena from the starting point?

a) 3m
b) 6m
c) 4m
d) 2m
e) 7m

Answer: d

SBI PO Exam (07-03-2010)
17. Mohan walked 30 metres towards South, took a left turn and walked 15 metres. He then took a right turn and walked 20 metres. He again took a right turn and walked 15 metres. How far is he from starting point?
1.       95 metres
2.       50 metres
3.       70 metres
4.       Cannot be determined
5.       None of these

Answer: 2
Rural Business PO Exam (18-o4-2010)
18. Town D is towards East of town F. Town B is towards North of town D. Town H is towards South of 
town B. Towards which direction is town H from town F?
1.       East
2.       South-East
3.       North-East
4.       Data inadequate
5.       None of these
Answer: 4

19. Ashok started walking towards South. After walking 50 metres he took a right turn and walked 30 metres. He then took a right turn and walked 100 metres. He again took a right turn and walked 30 metres and stopped. How far and in which direction was he from the starting point?
1.       50 metres South
2.       150 metres North
3.       180 metres East
4.       50 metres North
5.       None of these
Answer: 4

CSAT-2011 Paper-2
20. The houses of A and B face each other on a road going north-south, A’s being on the western side. A comes out of his house, turns left, travels 5km, turns right, travels 5km to the front of D’s house. B does exactly the same and reaches the front of C’s house. In this context, which one of the following statements is correct?
a)      C and D live on the same street
b)      C’s house faces south
c)       The houses of C and D are less than 20km apart
d)      None of the above

Answer: c

APPSC - DAO(2011)

21. Ramesh travels 7 kms east wards and then turns left and travelled 3km. and further turns left and travels 
13 kms. How far is Ramesh now from starting point?
a) 16km
b) 7km
c) 8km
d) None of the above

Answer: 4